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Southern Weddings Worldwide
Allison Doares, SCWP Internationally Senior Certified Wedding Planner

Allison Doares, SCWP Internationally Senior Certified Wedding Planner


A hopeless romantic and newly engaged myself,

On December 11, 2013 Callie Weddings & Events is located in the beautiful Historic Abbeville, SC. Callie was born out of a love of art, design, and all things wedding pretty. I work closely with Andy Sykora, my fiancé and the owner of our parent company, Custom Audio & Lighting. the wizards behind the curtain who make the magic of your dreams come alive. Optimists, dreamers, artists, friends. Come play with us! servicing the Southern Bride Worldwide.

Photography courtesy of Rachael Hughes.

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Bacon ipsum dolor amet kielbasa shoulder porchetta flank, frankfurter bacon picanha. Biltong landjaeger swine, ball tip salami short loin capicola pancetta. Pig short ribs rump capicola tongue sirloin alcatra beef ribs pork belly hamburger leberkas salami pork. Jerky sausage flank short loin ham hock jowl pork belly andouille frankfurter.

Tongue pastrami pancetta shank, cupim fatback kevin chuck alcatra pork chop venison brisket porchetta filet mignon. Tongue cow alcatra flank, corned beef bacon pork chop pork filet mignon capicola turkey chuck ham. Capicola chicken pork chop rump shankle pork belly filet mignon. Hamburger ribeye jowl venison spare ribs ham shankle brisket turkey.

Landjaeger drumstick flank boudin. Boudin cow capicola porchetta t-bone biltong beef ribs sausage pig hamburger. Sausage beef shankle drumstick rump ball tip pancetta swine alcatra prosciutto doner. Pig shankle tail capicola spare ribs tri-tip pancetta pork belly bresaola pork chop. Fatback ham cupim strip steak, ham hock leberkas sirloin.

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